
diamond fluorescence

Diamond Fluorescence

Many diamond shoppers often wonder about diamond fluorescence. Is it a good thing? Should it influence your buying decisions? And what is diamond fluorescence in the first place? To help you make the best and most confident buying decisions, let us find out all about diamond fluorescence, shall we? Understanding diamond fluorescence When some diamonds …

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Diamond Clarity Scale

Diamond Clarity

No two diamonds are the same. You’ve probably heard this phrase and the reason for it is because of the inclusions. But what exactly are inclusions? Well when a diamond is forming and growing under intense pressure, there are impurities that are included in its molecular structure. These impurities are a very common feature of …

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Diamond Cut

Diamond Cut

When you are in the market for the most ideal diamond for you, one of the main features that you must consider is the diamond cut and the shape. This is the most complex of the diamonds 4Cs which include, cut, carat, clarity, and color. Why the diamond cut is important? Many diamond professionals will …

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